A March 19, 2011 press release prepared by the Department of Foreign Affairs
The Philippine Embassy in Kuwait reported to the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) that one hundred four (104) female overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) were repatriated from Kuwait to Manila via Dubai on Thursday, March 17, via Emirates airlines.
The Embassy’s Welfare Officer Yolanda Peñaranda escorted the OFWs during the trip.
Vice President Jejomar Binay welcomed the Filipino repatriates at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA).
DFA-Office of the Undersecretary for Migrant Workers Affairs (DFA-OUMWA) officials headed by Legal Officers Atty. Emily Villanueva and Atty. Dennis Bregala and Consular Officer and Case Officer for Kuwait Eleanor Tolentino, together with representatives from the Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA) headed by Administrator Carmelita Dimzon, were also present at the airport to welcome the OFWs.
The Kuwaiti Government granted the repatriation of the OFWs following Vice President Binay’s request for assistance from the Amir during his recent trip in the said country.The Vice President visited Kuwait last February 26 to 28 to participate in Kuwait’s celebration of its 50th Anniversary of Independence, its 20th year of Liberation from Iraq, and its 5th Year of the Amir’s ascension to the throne.
The Philippine Embassy in Kuwait likewise made representations with the Kuwaiti government and concerned authorities for the immediate repatriation of these OFWs.
During the Vice President’s visit, he met with the distressed OFWs at the Filipino Workers Resource Center (FWRC) and assured them that the Philippine Government is doing all it can to bring them back home.
The Embassy afforded appropriate assistance to the OFWs during their stay at the FWRC.
OWWA provided the plane tickets of the Filipino repatriates.
Majority of the OFWs had absconded from their employers due to various work-related problems.

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