Image via WikipediaStatement of the Department of Foreign Affairs:
On the conclusion of the Hong Kong Coroner’s inquest into the Luneta hostage taking
[Released on March 24, 2011]
The inquest of the Hong Kong Coroner’s Court on the August 2010 hostage taking has concluded its proceedings yesterday.
The Philippine Government provided all assistance and cooperation it could provide to the Coroner’s inquest, according to the laws of the Philippines and its international obligations. It made sure that the 115 Filipino nationals asked by the Court to give evidence and testimony was informed of the Coroner’s summons, and participation of those witnesses who agreed to do so was facilitated.
The Philippines is a democracy where individual rights, such as the right to give testimony or not in a foreign jurisdiction or proceeding, are respected and protected by law.
The Philippine government’s own investigation into the incident was fair, transparent and open to the participation of persons and officials from Hong Kong. Hong Kong’s own investigation into the incident was expansive in scope and wealth of evidence precisely because of the full and sincere cooperation of Philippine authorities.
The inquest jurors’ verdict of “unlawful killing” at the hands of the gunman is consistent with the conclusions of the Philippine investigation.
Philippine law affords the families of the victims in the 23 August tragedy the opportunity to seek redress in Philippine courts.
The Philippines deeply regrets the loss and disruption of lives as a result of that tragedy and seeks to bring justice to the victims. Towards this end, the criminal and administrative proceedings against the persons found responsible are well underway. Work is also continuing to address gaps in law enforcement and emergency response capabilities.

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