An April 14, 2011 press release by the Department of Education
Designed to equip preschool teachers with better understanding of the developmental characteristics of young learners, the Department of Education through the Bureau of Elementary Education (BEE) will conduct a Summer Institute Program (SIP) for Preschool Teachers from May 2-27, 2011.
Education Secretary Armin Luistro believes that the conduct of the program will provide preschool teachers quality preparation in meeting the standards required by the department (based on DepEd Order No. 57, s. 2007). “This summer training just shows that nothing can stop us in pursuing an institutionalized preschool program in our public schools,” added Luistro.
He furthered that enhancing the competencies of pre-school teachers will have a great impact on the young learners. “We should ensure that teachers are ready for the challenge of making our young kids’ first school experience enjoyable and giving them a positive experience that will motivate them to remain in school and complete their education.”
The program is expected to make teachers competent in the use of developmentally appropriate methods and strategies to develop the child’s potential in their physical, social, emotional, and cognitive areas.
Also, SIP is aimed at developing skills by setting up the learning environment and establishing routines using positive guidance. It will likewise explain basic principles in planning developmentally appropriate practices and activities to preschool children.
“We should perform our mandate seriously so that we can prepare our young learners better and inspire them to uphold the value of learning for a productive life,” Luistro noted.
Six universities across the country will host the summer program for preschool teachers. UP Diliman, Mariano Marcos Memorial University in Ilocos and Bicol University in Albay will be the venue for 800 preschool teacher participants from Luzon.
560 preschool teachers from Visayas will attend the program at West Visayas State University while Southern Mindanao State University and University of Southern Philippines will serve as venues for preschool teacher participants from Mindanao.
The Philippine Education for All (EFA) 2015 Plan of Action cites that attaining success in the first grade encourages children to complete elementary education. This condition supports the findings of worldwide studies that children exposed to the quality of preschool experiences determine their performance in higher grade levels.
Aside from SIP, DepEd-BEE continuously expands and strengthens the Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) program and education to preschool teachers to yield more EFA benefits.

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