An April 1, 2011 press release prepared by the Department of Public Works and Highways
The Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) is working on formalizing its partnership with the CSOs [Civil Society Organizations] not only in budgeting process but in all stages of project development cycle.
In his speech, read by Undersecretary Raul C. Asis during the launching of CSO partnership for better infrastructure project of the Research, Education and Institutional Development in Iloilo City, Singson challenged the CSOs and NGOs [Non-government organizations] to get involve not only in the government budgeting and spending but also in the bottom-up approach in project identification in the provincial or regional development councils.
He encouraged the CSOs to work hand in hand with the local government units and the congressmen and other significant government agencies in identifying and prioritizing the projects particularly in the rural areas.
This would ensure that the government programs and projects being drawn up represent the actual needs of the people, Singson said.
The DPWH is also now partnering with the CSOs and NGOs in the procurement or bidding process, implementation or actual construction, operation and post project evaluation.
The move is in line with the DPWH transformation framework which Singson has drawn up for full transparency and accountability to the people and to reduce corruption.
Reacting to the recent Pulse Asia survey where DPWH ranked third among the government agencies perceived to be corrupt and with a huge decrease of 13.8% from the last year’s survey, Singson said that he was not pleased with the result. He further said that he vows to continue with his fight against corruption at all levels in the DPWH.
Singson said that he is counting much on the CSOs and NGOs in seeing to it that every single cent of taxpayers’ money goes to the right project with the right cost and right quality. He said that he will turn around DPWH into a more efficient and professional government agency. It should be founded by the highest level of good governance, transparency, and accountability, added Singson.
The REID’s project on partnership for better infrastructure through increased participation, transparency and accountability in budget and spending is being supported by the United States Agency for International Development or USAID and the Asia Foundation.

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