House Bill 5229, authored by Rep. Cesar Sarmiento (Lone District, Catanduanes), recognizes the German European School Manila, Inc. as a basic education institution of international character authorized to operate German educational programs that adhere to universally accepted educational policies.
"Being recognized as an international school will enable it to provide a unique German/European mode and procedure of education to Filipino, German and other foreign students," Sarmiento said.
Sarmiento said the bill provides for the school membership comprising of the parents or guardians, whether Filipino citizens or foreign nationals, of the children who have enrolled and attended the German European School Manila, Inc. for at least one school year.
The bill authorizes the German school to accept provisions and donations of every kind so it could carry out its educational program, improve its standard of instruction and meet the special needs of the foreign temporary resident community for quality education.
It likewise allows the school to use donated real or personal properties and construct and own buildings.
The bill also grants the German school the right to obtain leases on real properties, acquire personal properties, tangible or intangible, or any interests in such properties other than real, either by purchase, lease, barter, donation, gift or otherwise, and dispose of, mortgage or encumber them for the benefit of the school concerned.
As provided in the bill, the German school shall accept applicants for admission, regardless of nationality, in accordance with its own eligibility standards, rules for admission and grade placement. Likewise, the school shall be managed and administered by a superintendent, who shall possess the qualifications to be prescribed by the Board.
Under the measure, the German school shall maintain standards of education compatible with those obtaining in similar schools in Germany, the Philippines and other international educational institutions of generally recognized standing.
It shall employ its own teaching and management personnel selected by the Board either locally or abroad, from the Philippines or other nationalities, promote international friendship, goodwill and understanding among the members of the foreign community and the citizens of the Philippines and not teach anything derogatory to the prestige and well-being of the Philippines and its people, nor those which will subvert its institution and government.
Upon consultation with the Secretary of Education, the school shall determine its own basic education curriculum and teach German language and/or any other foreign languages it may deem appropriate and determine the reasonable amount of fees which shall be imposed upon its students to maintain and conform to the German school’s standard of education.
Co-authors of the measure are Reps. Salvador Escudero III (1st District, Sorsogon), chairperson of the House Committee on Basic Education and Culture, and Mel Senen Sarmiento (1st District, Western Samar).

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