1. An Act Amending Republic Act No. 9372 (Human Security Act of 2007)
2. An Act Amending Republic Act No. 7306 (People’s Television Network)
3. An Act Amending Presidential Decree No. 269 (Rural Electrification Program)
4. An Act Restructuring the Excise Tax on Alcohol and Tobacco Products
5. An Act Providing for the Delineation of the Specific Forest Limits of the Public Domain
6. An Act Granting Broader Protection for Consumers
7. Bills on Protecting Individual Personal Data in Information and Communications Systems in the Government and in the Private Sector
8. An Act Reorganizing the Philippine Statistical System
9. An Act Imposing Stiffer Penalties for Stealing or Tampering Government Risk Reduction and Preparedness Equipment, Accessories, and Other Facility Items
10. An Act Providing for Additional Benefits and Protection to the Househelpers
11. An Act Expanding the Coverage of the Science and Technology Scholarship Program
12. An Act Amending Republic Act No. 7279 (Twenty Percent Balanced Housing)
13. Responsible Parenthood, Reproductive Health, and Population and Development

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